Complex of five boutique guest houses in Santorini

Βόθωνας / Σαντορίνη
Υπό κατασκευή / 2023

Στατική Μελέτη: Γαβαλάς Φίλιππος 
Μηχανολογική Μελέτη: TECHNOMECH
3D artist:

LKMK Architects-Complex of five boutique guest houses in SantoriniLKMK Architects-Complex of five boutique guest houses in SantoriniLKMK Architects-Complex of five boutique guest houses in SantoriniLKMK Architects-Complex of five boutique guest houses in SantoriniLKMK Architects-Complex of five boutique guest houses in SantoriniLKMK Architects-Complex of five boutique guest houses in SantoriniLKMK Architects-Complex of five boutique guest houses in Santorini